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      分類: 最新資訊 故事詞典 編輯 : 故事大全 發布 : 03-10

      閱讀 :153

      March 9, 20242雅思詞匯解析 | | 欄目推送說明雅思詞匯解析,釋義到用法,清清楚楚每一次的進步,都是來自點點滴滴的積累本期作者:張悅本周我們來學習與競技比賽相關的詞匯。1. streak /?stri?k/v.(連續成功或失敗的)一段時間搭配:a winning/losing streak 連贏;連輸on a winning / unbeatable streak 處于連贏狀態e.g. His winning streaks were broken by a younger competitor.e.g. Despite all their efforts, the team found themselves on a winless streak, struggling to break free from defeats.補充:break free from 擺脫v. streak 使布滿條痕;夾雜著…e.g. He looked about forty years of age, but his dark hair was streaked with grey.2. psych /sa?k/搭配1:psych somebody. up 給某人加油打氣e.g. He was trying to psych himself up before the race.搭配2:psych somebody out 使(某人)精神緊張;在心理上壓倒某人e.g. Go for it! Don’t psych yourself out!e.g. He was trying to psych me out by reminding me of the last time he beat me.e.g. Putting on a game face might be a double-edged sword: You might psych out some players or you might motivate them even more.補充:a double-edged sword 雙刃劍put on a game face 面臨挑戰競爭或壓力時,表現出堅定、專注和決心的表情。3. stalemate /'ste?lme?t/n. 僵局;僵持常見搭配:end in a stalematee.g. It seemed that the dispute ended in a stalemate.e.g. The basketball game ended in a stalemate, as neither team was able to score the winning point in the final seconds.其他補充:draw n. 平局;不分勝負的比賽e.g. The game ended in a draw.e.g. The game was a draw.4. dead weight /'ded weit/someone or something that makes success more difficult 累贅;負擔e.g. Despite all his dedicated efforts, Jack was a dead weight on the team owing to his inexperience in national-level games.e.g. His lack of engagement in the group project made him feel like a dead weight among his active teammates.以上就是今天的詞匯,我們下期見。

      下一篇:帶家鄉孩子看北京!老師打電話屏幕上涌出一堆小腦袋,眼睛登老圓 下一篇 【方向鍵 ( → )下一篇】

      上一篇:焦點資訊:首批中證A50ETF成立約165億增量資金來了 上一篇 【方向鍵 ( ← )上一篇】


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